Jethro Tull

- data powstania
- 1967
- pochodzenie
- Wielka Brytania
Teksty piosenek (236)
...And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps
4.W.D. (Low Ratio)
A Better Moon
A Christmas Song
A gift of roses
A new day yesterday
A Passion Play (Extract)
A Passion Play Edit No. 8
A Passion Play Part 2
A small cigar
A Song For Jeffrey
A stitch in time
A time for everything
Acres Wild
Alive and well and living in
And further on
And the mouse police never sleeps
Another Harry's bar
Arces wild
At last forever
Automotive engerineering
Back door angels
Back eyed and loveless
Back to the family
Backer street mude
Batteriers not inculded
Beggar's farm
Bends Like A Willow
Beside myself
Big dipper
Big Riff and mando
Black satin dancer
Black sunday
Brodford bazaar
Bungle in the jungle
By king premission of
Cheap Day Return Mother Goose
Cold wind to Valhalla
Cold Wind To Valhalla (Intro)
Comons brawl
Crash barrier waltzer
Crazed institution
Crew nights
Critique oblique
Critique Oblique (A Passion Play)
Cross Eyed Mary
Cup of wonder
Curious Ruminant
Dangerous veils
Dark ages
Doctor to my disease
Dogs in the midwinter
Dot Com
Down on the end of your road
Dr. Bogenbroom
Drive on the young side of life
Driving song
Dun ringill
Ears of tin
European legacy
Falen on hard times
Farm on the freeway
Fat man
Fire at midnight
First Snow On Brooklyn
Fly by night
Flying colours
Flying dutchman
For a thousand mothers
For Michael Collins,Jeffery and me
From a dead beat to a old greaser
Fylingdale Flyer
General crossing
Glory row
Gold tipped boot,black jacket and tie
Gold-Tipped Boots, Black Jacket And Tie
Hammer On Hammer
Hard liner
Heavy horses
Heavy Horses (Edited Version)
Heavy water
Hot Mango Flush
Hunting girl
Hymn 43
I don't want to be
I'm Your Gun
It All Trickles Down
It's breakin me up
Jack a Lynn
Jack Forst and the hooded crow
Jack Frost & The Hooded Crow
Jack In The Green
Jeffrey goes to leicester square
John Barleycorn
Jump start
Just trying to be
Kissing Willie
Lape of luxury
Later That Same Evening
Law of the bugle
Left right
Lick your fingers clean
Life is a long song
Lights out
Like a tall thin girl
Living in the past
Living In These Hard Times
Locomotive breath
Look at the animals
Look into the sun
Love story
Man of principle
March the mad scientist
Mayhem maybe
Medley: We Used To Know / For A Thousand Mothers
Ministrel in the gallery
Minstrel In The Gallery (Edited Version)
Mother England Reverie
Mother goose
Mountain men
Move on alone
My god
My sunday feeling
Night in the wilderness
No lullaby
No rehearsal
No step
Nobody's car
North sea oil
Nothing is easy
Occasional demons
Old ghosts
One brown mouse
One White Duck
One White Duck/010 = Nothing At All
Only solitaire
Out of the noise
Paradise steakhouse
Part of the machine
Passion Play Extract
Pied piper
Pig me and the whore
Play in time
Protect and survive
Pussy willow
Queen and country
Quizz kid
Radio free Moscow
Rainbow blues
Raising steam
Rare & Precious Chain
Rare and precious chain
Reason For Waiting
Ring out,solstice bells
Rock island
Roll yer own
Roots to branches
Rosa on the factory floor
Rupi's Dance
Rythem in gold
Sezen aksu
Singing all day
Skating Away (On The Thin Ice Of The New Day)
Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of A New Day
Skating away on the thin ice of the new day
So Much Trouble
Some day the sun won't shine for you
Someday The Sun Won't Shine For You
Songs from the wood
Stormy Monday Blues
Sunshine Day
Sweet dream
Teacher (Original UK Mix)
The Chateau D' Isaster Tapes
The story of the hare who
The third hoorah
The Water Carrier
The whistler
The Zealot Gene
Thick As A Brick
Thick As A Brick (Extract)
Thick As A Brick Edit No. 1
Thick As A Brick Part 2
To Be Sad Is A Mad Way To Be
To cry you a song
Too Old To Rock 'N' Roll; Too Young To Die
Too Old To Rock 'N' Roll: Too Young To Die (Edited Version)
Too old to rock n roll
Truck Stop Runner
Two fingers
Under Wraps #2
Undressed to kill
Up to me
User friendly
Warchild Waltz
We used to know
Wind Up
Witch's promise
With you there to help me
Wolf Unchained
Wond'ring aloud
Working John, working Joe
Wounded, Old And Treacherous