Cattle Decapitation

- data powstania
- 1996
- pochodzenie
Cattle Decapitation to death / grindcore’owa załoga rodem z USA.
Ekipa z San Diego w Kalifornii nagrała osiem studyjnych albumów. Zadebiutowała w 2000 roku płytą "Homovore". Kolejne działa sygnowane nazwą Cattle Decapitation to: "To Serve Man" (2002 r.), "Humanure" (2006 r.), "Karma. Bloody. Karma" (2006 r.), "The Harvest Floor" (2009 r.) "Monolith of Inhumanity"(2012 r.), “The Anthropocene Extinction" (2015 r.) oraz "Death Atlas" (będzie mieć premierę 29 listopada 2019 r.).
Skład Cattle Decapitation tworzą: Travis Ryan - śpiew, Josh Elmore - gitara, Derek Engemann - gitara basowa i David McGraw - perkusja.
Teksty piosenek (78)
A Body Farm
A Photic Doom
Alone in the landfill
Applied human defragmentation
Bovine, swine and human-rinds
Bring Back the Plague
Bukkake tsunami
Carnal fecophelia due to prolonged exposure to methane
Chili dispenser
Chunk blower
Cloacula: The Anthropophabic Copromantik
Cloned for carrion
Colon blo
Colonic villus biopsy performed on the gastro
Colonic Villus Biopsy Performed On The Gastro - Intestinally Incapable
Constipation camp
Diarrhea of the mouth
Everyone Deserves To Die
Gestation of smegma
Human jerky and the active cultures
Hypogastric combustion
Hypogastric Combustion By C-4 Plastique
I eat your skin
Icepick gag reflex
In Axestasy
In Axetasy
Into The Public Bath
Joined at the ass
Land of the severed meatus
Lips and assholes
Long-pig chef and the hairless goat
Molested / Digested
Mute rain
No future
One thousand times decapitation
Open Human Head Experiments With Bleach Laquer And Epoxy
Pepe's trepes
Reduced To Paste
Regret & The Grave
Regret And The Grave
Release the gimp
Roadkill removal technician
Scourge of the Offspring
Stench from the dumpster
Success is
Success Is... (Hanging By The Neck)
Suspended in caprolite
Testicular Manslaughter
The carcass Derrick
The earthling
The Gardeners Of Edem
The Gardeners Of Eden
The new dawn
The Product Alive
The regurgitation of corpses
The Ripe Beneath The Rind
The Roadside Dead (Detrunked Stumpification Through Roadrash)
To serve man
Tooth Enamel & Concrete
Tooth Enamel And Concrete
Total gore
Turn on the masters
Unclogged And Ready For Spewage
Unintelligent design
We Are Horrible People
World full of idiots
Writhe in putressence