Lust for Life / Background to Violence Suite: The Killers, Brute Force, Naked City

liczba utworów

Lista utworów

  • Vol. 1

    1. 1.
      Lust for Life: Prelude
    2. 2.
      Lust for Life: Summer (Pastorale)
    3. 3.
      Lust for Life: Brotherly Love
    4. 4.
      Lust for Life: Sunflowers
    5. 5.
      Lust for Life: Postman Roulin
    6. 6.
      Lust for Life: Madness
    7. 7.
      Lust for Life: Finale
    8. 8.
      Background to Violence Suite: Brute Force: Prelude to Murder
    9. 9.
      Background to Violence Suite: Brute Force: Nocturno
    10. 10.
      Background to Violence Suite: Brute Force: Scherzo
    11. 11.
      Background to Violence Suite: The Killers: Despair
    12. 12.
      Background to Violence Suite: The Naked City: Pursuit
    13. 13.
      Background to Violence Suite: The Naked City: Epilogue: The Song of a City